Last Updated: 2/21/2006

--- The East Bend and Northern Photo Journal ---


These photos depict the evolution of the railroad from it’s beginnings to the progress from January 1999 to December 2000, and lastly the current work. Though not clearly shown in the photos, all the benchwork was completed by May ‘99. Prior to the first move, the track work for the helix and staging yard were completed (see rediscovered 2000 photos). The first three sections are all operational. The beginning stages of scenery are now underway on the older sections. An expansion via three additional sections was started in June 2005.

11/7/05 - More progress on the portable expansion.

11/28/05 - A new Expansion Project Page has been created.

2/21/06 - Added a few updated photos to the expansion project page.


Expansion Project Page

--- 2006 ---

--- 2005 ---

--- 2004 ---

--- Track work 2003

--- Post move 2002 ---

--- To Older Photos ---

--- Back ---


Copyright 1999-2006 – JCR